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SomEnergia KPIs Documentation

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For Developers

The Readme or is a good place to start. But if you're a dev making a new kpi, this will get you up to speed in 'I know kung-fu' style.

KPI wars: A new kpi

We have a script ( that connects to the erp via erppeek and queries the kpis stated in a table called erppeek_kpis_description. So we first need to create that table.

$ python scripts/ --csvpath "datasources/erppeek/erppeek_kpis_test.csv" --dbapi "postgresql://somenergia:PASSWORD@puppis.somenergia.lan:5432/sandbox" --schema dbt_vader --table erppeek_kpis_description --ifexists replace

Now the kpis listed in erppeek_kpis_test.csv will be in a table under the schema dbt_vader. We can now run the fitlered_models_single_kpis script to compute them querying the ERP via erppeek.

$ python datasources/erppeek/ postgresql://somenergia:PASSWORD@puppis.somenergia.lan:5432/sandbox daily ERP_URL somenergia ERP_USER ERP_PASSWORD dbt_vader

Now we should have three tables with values, the EL is done and we are ready to Transform 🚀

  • name: erppeek_kpis_description
  • name: pilotatge_int_kpis
  • name: pilotatge_float_kpis
$ dbt run --target testing --project-dir ./dbt_kpis -m kpis_raw+

You now have the utils/show_query.sql which you can set to whichever query you'd want dbt to output in the command-line if you don't want to go and check the tables yourself 😄

The New Hope

However, if only raw data is needed –as opposed to camps calculats–, the current preferred approach is sync tables using airbyte and use dbt on top of them.

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  • mkdocs -h - Print help message and exit.

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