OLAP cubes⚓
- Status: accepted
- Deciders: Equip de Dades
- Date: 2022-10-06
Technical Story:
OLAP cubes?
Context and Problem Statement⚓
Decision Drivers ⚓
- [driver 1, e.g., a force, facing concern, …]
- [driver 2, e.g., a force, facing concern, …]
- …
Considered Options⚓
- OLAP i algun vendor o nosé
- datasets basats en dbt models via macros on-demand
Decision Outcome⚓
2. datasets basats en dbt models
A revisar en el futur
Positive Consequences ⚓
- [e.g., improvement of quality attribute satisfaction, follow-up decisions required, …]
- …
Negative Consequences ⚓
- [e.g., compromising quality attribute, follow-up decisions required, …]
- …
Pros and Cons of the Options ⚓
OLAP cube⚓
[example | description | pointer to more information | …]
- Good, because [argument a]
- Good, because [argument b]
- Bad, because [argument c]
- …
Molta gent a dbt argumenta en contra de OLAP cubes i a favor de datasets
- modern datawarehouses no tenen limitacions d'espai, la limitació és el dev-time
- Necessita pre-calcular totes les combinacions de dimensions en la granularitat mínima 1
- Molt costós de dissenyar (requereix stars de kimball) 2
Links ⚓
- [Link type] [Link to ADR]
- …